Modern Downtown Senior Session
Many senior blogs that you see will be about the female seniors that do their sessions with a photographer, but vey rarely do you see a blog about a male senior! Luke did an amazing job at his session and absolutely loved the experience. A big part of your senior session is trusting the process, and he did just that. In his post session questionnaire, he even mentioned how being a little over the top during your session benefits you and helps really capture your personality. After every senior session, I send out a questionnaire for seniors to fill out in order to create personalized blog posts. Out of the all of responses I have gotten over the years, Luke Sweasy of Frankfort High hands down has given some of the best responses. So why not hear what he has to say right from him!
How did you to make your senior session "you"?
“ I picked these spots because I felt that would match what I was trying to go for. I gave suggestions on different poses and at some points even a small location change. “
Why did you choose the locations that you did?
“ I saw previous photos from those locations and they looked really good. In front of Rupp Arena looks more modern so I wore my more formal outfit in front of it and the parking garage rooftop felt like it matched exactly what I was going for. “
Anything to consider when selecting locations
“ Make sure you pick a location that you want and that feels right to you, one that you are comfortable in and make sure it looks good too. Good backgrounds are a must! “
Any advice you have on selecting your outfits?
“ Pick one that’s more formal, like a polo and khakis. Pick one that’s more your style, maybe jeans and a T shirt. It can be whatever just make it your style. And last you can pick another outfit that might match the location vibes/colors. “
What's one thing you would've done differently with your session?
“ If I were to change anything, I would have maybe just done another pose or 2 and maybe another location but I was very happy with how it all turned out. “
Any other advice you have for your fellow seniors about their shoot
“ Make sure you have fun and enjoy it, don't be boring and be shy in front of the camera, be over the top with it! “
Want to see Luke’s full gallery? Check it out here!