Not Your Typical Senior Session
Not every senior session is the same, because your session should be unique to you. Ava’s senior was a perfect example of that! And her answers to the questionnaire perfectly encapsulate what this means.
How did you make your senior session "you"?
“ I really wanted to convey my personality during my senior session through my clothing choices, locations, and poses. It could definitely be argued that my senior photos aren't your “typical” senior pictures, and that’s exactly what I was going for. ”
Why did you choose the locations that you did?
“ The locations I chose were specifically chosen by both Morgan and I to mirror my personality. I love listening to older music, so the record store was a shoo-in. The Burl just seems to have a “vibe” about it that exudes personality in just its mere existence. I fell in love with the funky character of my locations. ”
Any advice you have on selecting your outfits?
“ Don’t dress to impress, cater to your likes and who you want to remember yourself as. Be unmistakably yourself. ”
Was there a part about your session that you were super stressed about until you actually started shooting?
“ I’m always so worried that I will be awkward in front of the camera until it actually comes time to shoot. Morgan makes it feel natural for me. ”
What's one thing you would've done differently with your session?
“ I’d have been more specific with the makeup artist probably lol she didn’t really listen to me but it’s okay it still looked good ”
Any other advice you have for your fellow seniors about their shoot
“ Don’t be afraid to go your own way with your senior pics, they’re a reflection of who you are and something you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. Think about how you present yourself in your senior pictures and how that seems to relate to who you really are. Don’t cater to the wants of society, be who you want to be. ”